16 best board games Dungeons & Dragons
16 best board games Dungeons & Dragons
Like it or not, Dungeons & Dragons is the most successful existing desktop franchise, and its popularity is still booming. Today we are looking for the best board games Dungeons & Dragons that will continue the adventure.
Our best selections for the best board games Dungeons & Dragons?
Are you in a hurry? Take a look at our favorites before you get started.
The best party
The best D&D experience
Best overall
D&D has grown into an amazing cult, and in recent years has even spread to other media. From tabletop RPGs , traditional board games, video games , and a very, very terrifying movie, D&D is everywhere.
However, we are not here to talk about horror movies. We are more interested in the side of D&D board games. His humble beginnings as a tabletop RPG and his epic fantasy world translate very well into the realm of board games ... and not all earth spiders . Who would have thought?
1. Lords of Waterdeep

Instead of digging yourself into the dungeons, why not hire adventurers to place your order?
In this case, a game to deploy workers , players will take on the roles of query givers as one of the hidden Lords of Waterdeep. Players will compete for control of the city by hiring adventurers and completing tasks for winning points.
Lords of Waterdeep is a fantastic Transition game and a solid introduction to mechanics to accommodate workers. We love this game so much that we had to cover it in an in-depth guide. Go low here .
- An exciting European-style board game set in Waterdeep, the largest ...
- This exceptional game players play as Lords of Waterdeep who hire ...
- Game: 1 hour
2. Edition at Baldur's Gate

Baldur's door has long been plagued by the forces of evil.
The edition at Baldur's Gate is not just a real original The edition at the House on the Hill is a board game.
The game is more balanced than the original, and one-sided scarecrows are becoming much less common.
Are you ready to fight evil on the streets of Baldur’s Gate? Check out our Full Review Before You Buy!
[Adventure System Dungeons & Dragons]
The D&D Adventure System is a type of board game for the dungeon that has been in production since 2010.
Each is an independent game in its own right and is also 100% compatible with others. They are all based on previous Dungeons & Dragons campaigns, but are streamlined to fight in the board game. You won’t need Dungeon Master (DM) or even other players. They also all work extremely well on stand-alone games and make for a great prison crawl experience.
One of the wonderful things about the D&D Adventure system is that it feels like a highly distilled D&D experience. You are thrown straight into the world you love, and everything is simplified to bring you into action; killing monsters and getting prey!
There are other dwarf spiders that have many more adjustments and complex particles, but setting up and playing can be a pain. This is one of the reasons why they stay on my shelf and keep coming back to play.
"I want to play dungeon spider, but I don't want to deal with all the fluff and installation and demolition problems!"
No fear. D&D is here for you, mate.
If you’re looking for a heavier pond or really want all the fidid pieces, then these are probably not for you. They are designed for fun, easy execution and the ability to engage players and roll a single D20 (there is only 1 cube).
3. D&D: City of Ravenloft

Ravenloft Castle is the first in the D&D Adventure System and although you could start anywhere in the series, this is probably the best place to start.
Among your villains are a werewolf , Vampire Strahd and Dracolich. The mini are all well done and thematically everything fits well. A lot of zombies are thrown into the mix, really playing on the horror themes of Ravenloft Castle.
Each game is based on the mechanics of the previous version. To some, Ravenloft seems a bit bare bones, but I think it holds up well compared to everyone else and revives the environment nicely.
2010 Origins Awards Best Board Games Winner
- Play from 1 to 5 players
- 60 minutes of play
- A prison crawl campaign and terribly fun searches
4. Development and Development: The Rage of Ashardalon

The great red dragon Ashardalon is back. After the fatal wound, Ashardalon tied the demon to his chest to preserve his life force. Ashardalon is one of the oldest and one of the most pleasant dragons.
And the Wrath of Ashardalon , you will team up with a group of heroes to finally stop Ashardalon.
Wrath of Ashardalon is a prison spider for 1-5 players. There are several scenarios to choose from between five characters: cheater, thief, warrior, priest and wizard. The shelf life of the game is extended by choosing the ability of your character. In each game, the characters will choose a set of abilities and are mutually exclusive. You will need to play more games to see all that the game has to offer.
- A heavy shadow falls over the land, cast by a dark bell tower, which ...
- The cave of the mouth leads into a labyrinth of tunnels and chambers, and deep ...
- This board game, designed for 1-5 players, includes more ...
Interesting? Check out our Full Review of Wrath of Ashardalon before buying!
5. D&D: The Legend of Drizzt

Legend of Drizzt is the third addition to the D&D Adventure System.
Like the previous two meals, Legend of Drizzt is a cooperative gambling experience where players will strive to achieve the goal of the script. Drizzt is also compatible with any D&D Adventure System game, so you can immerse yourself in any game and start mixing and matching monsters, heroes / heroines, scenarios and tiles straight out of the box.
So what does Drizzt bring to the mix?
Well ... Drizzt, for one thing. The legendary drow elf and his companions will be all game characters you can control. They join the quarrel and mix it up pretty well without overshadowing the generic heroes from previous versions. After all, it’s no fun if you spend 3 games to create your favorite cheater, only to have a last-minute hero of the legend show up to take all the credit.
This extension also brings a new set of tiles: caverns. Players will have the opportunity to explore insidious tunnels that can lead to hidden dungeons , adding a lot of new themed touches to your adventures.
Characteristic abilities have been renewed with a posture system. Players can add a tactical element with different points of view. Each posture gives different bonuses and all seem useful in different situations.
The best thing about this expansion, however, are the added competitive elements. There are a few scenarios where players will work in competing teams to meet goals, or one where there is even a hidden traitor among the player’s characters.
The Legend of Drizzt is a fantastic extension and the best part is that you don’t have to read 100% of Drizzt’s novels beforehand. You should read them. They are quite good.
- Designed for 1 to 5 players
- It contains several scenarios, demanding tasks and cooperatives ...
- Contains: 42 heroes and monsters, 13 link sheets ...
6. D&D: Temple of Elemental Evil

In the board game Temple of Elemental Evil you play as a heroic adventurer. With amazing abilities, spells and magical weapons, you must explore the dungeons below the Coast of Swords, where you will fight monsters, overcome dangers and find treasure. Are you ready for an adventure?
Temple of Elemental Evil allows players to run an official campaign element in the game. Prior to this game, the Adventure System was essentially a series of missions related only to the light theme and its overhead . The official campaign (finally) is a nice touch of the series.
You’ll still only be able to raise your character to Level 2, but as you continue your campaign, you’ll be able to get small bonuses that you can use throughout the campaign.
- For 2+ players
- 60 minute playing time
- Can be combined with other D&D Adventure System Cooperative games ...
7. D&D: The Tomb of Destruction

The death curse is growing and the souls of the world are in danger! Are you ready for an adventure?
Tomb of Annihilation greatly improves the campaign system and refines many rules and adds much more complexity to the game. Upgrades and leveling systems are much more balanced and work much better here.
One of the interesting parts about the D&D Adventure System is that the rules and mechanics grow with the series. They’re all great on their own, but with each new set, they’re constantly updated and growing.
If you’re looking to play in a serial campaign, this would be a good place to start.
- For 2 5 players
- 60 minute playing time
- Contains multiple scenarios, challenging tasks and playing games ...
8. D&D: Dungeon of the Mad Mage

In the town of Waterdeep rests an inn called the Yawning Portal, named after the yawning cave in its common room. At the bottom of this crumbling shaft is a labyrinthine dungeon known as the Undermountain, the domain of the mad wizard Halaster Blackcloak, who planted his lair with monsters, traps and mysteries.
The latest extension of the D&D Adventure System was recently released.
In this version, we started Water Deep so that our happiness will deepen the depths of the Undersea Mountain. This further expands the campaign system and now players will be able to advance to the fourth level, which gives completely new power capabilities.
Even monsters and creatures in Podgorje did not sit idle. Here you will find much stronger encounters and new conditions like “weakened” which makes players much harder to heal.
Overall, this is a great game advancement that still keeps the mechanics simple and straightforward, while offering more of the same theme from the Adventure System.
- For 1 player. 5+ hours of play. Age 1 and older
- Players can now get to Level 4 with their characters and gain ...
- New! Environmental cards that are replaced when the new environment ...
9. Attack of the Giants

Ordning, the ancient caste system of the Giants was destroyed. The whole Giant society is in chaos and every Giant with the right ambitions and cunning abilities can become the ruler of all the Giantkind.
Players can control a different tribe of giants, as diverse as humans, each with their own specific abilities and goals.
Storm Giants: Their goal is to restore their king, imprisoned by the Blue Dragon. They are looking for a connection with the little people to restore order in the country.
Cloud Giants: They search for an ancient dragon treasure trove to seize the power of storm giants.
Fire Giants: Their purpose is to steal the primordial flame from the Dwarves in order to light the ancient smithies. They hope to revive the ancient titan to avenge the dragons.
Frost Giants: They are looking for an ancient ring that can turn the world into a winter wonderland (for the Frost Giants).
Stone Giants: They’ve basically gone crazy and wild around the world and want to wake up from a reality they think is just a dream.
Hill Giants: Bigger is BETTER! The matriarch of the Hill Giants married all the men and gave them one order. "BRING ME FOOD."
Attack of the Giants is a stand-alone area control game for 3 -6 players in which each tribe attacks and meets individual objectives to become the ruler of the Giants.
- For 3-6 players
- 120 minute playing time
- Content includes 12 fully painted miniature Giants that measure ...
10. Tyrants of the Underworld

A deck building / area control game? I am interested…
Tyrants of the Underdark puts players in the shoes of one of the 4 Drow houses vying for control of Underdark.
Players must beat each other to gain control of Underdark. The decks of individual players will be full of different servants and players will be able to draw cards to hire stronger servants for their house.
Interestingly, although Tyrants of the Underdark is for 2-4 players , it plays surprisingly well with only two players. This is an achievement in itself.
- Tyrants of the Underdark puts 2 to 4 players together ...
- Tyrants of the Underdark is a competitive board game in which ...
- Using power and influence as resources, the tyrants of the underworld ...
11. Rock Paper Wizard

In each great dungeon adventure, players must face face to face with their most difficult ordeal: splitting the spoils after killing BBEG (Big Bad Evil Guy).
As a party made up entirely of wizards, there really is no better way to share the spoils than the ancient tradition of the Rock Paper Wizard ... basically these are Rock Paper Scissors, but with spells.
You will be able to cast iconic D&D spells such as Vampiric Touch and Fireball on your opponents. Seriously, who has never had that friend you were dying for to catch the silence?
Each spell has a proper hand gesture, just like with paper scissors. For example, a fireball looks like a fist when playing, and a meteor swarm looks like jazz hands when playing, if you do it right.
It’s stupid and not taken seriously, but it’s a fun time. Especially the first few rounds when you’re trying to figure out handwriting strokes.
- Fast spelling spelling allows you to play fast games with endless ...
- Uses famous spells from popular Dungeons & Dragons ...
- A simple learning curve gives access to players of all levels ...
12. Dragonfire

Dragonfire Series is a cooperative deck building game for 2-4 players.
In each game, players will play a different scenario and take on the role of classic D&D characters. You will explore various settings of the Forgotten Kingdom, such as Baldur's Gate , Neverwinter and Water Deep .
As players rise, they will have access to newer cards to include in their decks, and more monsters and traps will appear at each step that you will have to deal with.
The game has an amazing feel and gaming experience, but it is known to feel a bit unbalanced with less than 4 players. My suggestion is if you only play with two players, then each of you should control 2 characters. Even with this one change, he feels much better.
- The action is set within the world's largest role-playing setup
- It is based on the critically acclaimed Shadowrun: Crossfire Engine
- 2 to 6 players aged 13 or over
13. Dungeon!

The classic 70's D&D game has been reinvented.
Not as glamorous and highly productive as some of the newer D&D Adventure System games, but for around $ 20 , you’ll find dungeons with a classic set of heroes and adventurers.
This is by far not the best game on this list, but it is part of the classic history of research and development and is retained as a complete and fun gaming experience, all in one field.
In addition to upgraded components (cards, chips, and cardboard quality), there have been improvements to the general rules that make the game much more playful and much less distracting.
If you want the itchy D&D to scratch on a budget , Jail! deliver the goods.
- For 1 to 8 players
- Older than 8 years
- A remake of a great family classic
14. Dungeon Mayhem

Dungeon Mayhem is a nice little filler card game . Perfect for playing a few rounds while waiting for your D&D group to gather. No one is ever late with that, right?
In this card game, each player chooses an imaginative character and they all basically chase each other until there is only one player left.
Choose from:
- Sutha Skullcrusher, Orc Barbarian
- Azzan, the wizard of mystics
- Lia, shiny paladinka
- Oriax, the cunning thief
This fast-paced game involves players drawing and using cards for their abilities such as healing, dagger throwing and of course skull shredding.
This is one of those great games that can make everyone in the mood for a bigger game or relax in one of the great 2-hour games.
- Easy card game for 2-4 players.
- A fun game for friends and family over 8 years old.
- Games are fast, 5-10 minutes.
15. Conquering Nerath

The war has come to the world of Dungeons & Dragons! In the north, the undead legions of the Karkoth Dark Empire march against the fragile Nerath League, determined to sweep away human kingdoms forever.
Surprisingly, this is one of the few research and development game games I could find.
Players in the Conquest of Nerath will choose one of 4 factions:
- Dark Empire Karkoth (Karkoth): Undead
- Vailin Alliance: Vilini
- Iron Circle: Goblins
- Nerathan League (Nerath): People
Conquering Nerath does a lot of things right. Unlike other fighting games , the starting positions are already set, allowing players to set up much faster and jump straight into action. They also managed to incorporate a system of heroes as well as a search and prison system (who would expect that from Dungeons & Dragons?).
Overall, this is a unique game that offers more than a traditional war game . If you find a copy, be sure to take a look. It's worth it.
2011 Origins Awards Best Board Games Winner
- It allows players to go to war and rob prisons in medieval ...
- Inspired by the 4th edition of Dungeons and Dragons Roleplaying
- It provides never-before-seen information on central dungeons ...
16. Dungeons & Dragons: Offensive Wing

Have you ever wanted to be a dragon? If not, you should.
Dungeons & Dragons Attack Wing puts you in a fight (dragon fight?) For dominance in the sky.
Attack Wing uses the HeroClix system to track your Miniature on the table.
The base box has plenty of room for a minor two-player clash and just like the Miniature X-Wing Star Wars , you can buy additional reinforcement kits to add to your game.
Players can eventually add siege engines, giants and smaller land units to blow dragons out of the sky.
It’s a great beginner, but be warned: there’s a collector’s component that you’ll need to invest fair money into if you want this great table experience. The good thing is that all the minis can be duplicated behind your RPG sessions table.
- For 2+ players
- 30 minute playing time
- Includes 3 pre-painted plastic kites (red, blue and copper) ...
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