The best board games for deduction
The best board games for deduction
Social deduction board games are some of my favorites. The false, intriguing, and analytical thought that goes around the table is hard to beat. They are great board games and even better for players who “don’t engage in board games”.
Usually, most of the game speaks and cooperates with other players, so it’s easy to get “non-players” into battle.
The only problem is that you can choose from many games. To alleviate the pain, we’ve put together a list of the best social deduction board games you can find.
Ladies and gentlemen, tie yourself up, it will warm up.
? Our best selections for the best social deductions
Are you in a hurry? Before you get started, check out our favorite board games for deduction.
The best trip
The best casual
Best overall
# 1. Battlestar Galactica: A board game

Battlestar Galactica is some of the serious waves in the sci-fi genre. From screen to desk, she has always been a special science fiction favorite, and the board game loves me even more.
For those unfamiliar with the show (you should probably watch it if you’re dealing with a science fiction topic), I’ll give you a brief overview. The world was destroyed by the Cylons, robots created by humans and resisted. Humanity as we know it is lost and the only survivors are looking for our ancestral planet Earth as the last bastion. The Cylons, however, became smarter and more submissive. They don’t just look like walking cans. They are completely like us now.
Battlestar Galactica is a semi -cooperative social deduction game. Players must deal with the ever-present Cylon threat so that the fleet is constantly bouncing so as not to be harmful. When problems arise, everyone needs to add cards to solve the problems.
Is really bad luck hampering the fleet? Or is the Cylon saboteur causing all the chaos? You better find out.
- Based on the hit TV show SyFy
- Participate in accusations and paranoia as humanity fights for ...
- Age: 10+
# 2. Secret Hitler

Secret Hitler was alarmed by the simple fact that he had “Hitler” in the title. Don’t let the scarecrows and knee-jerk responses to the name deter you from trying.
Secret Hitler is a hidden treacherous game of fascists and liberals. Among the group, of course, lurks Secret Hitler, whose main goal is to be elected or to remove all other opposition in order to gain a majority of the vote.
It sounds like a lot of bureaucracy in the workplace, but the rule is one of the best I’ve seen for this type of game . It’s a fantastically fun game , and every time I introduced it, it was a hit.
- A quick game of deception and betrayal
- Beautiful wooden components
- Massive game boards with foil insert
# 3. Resistance: Avalon

The servants of Mordred have attacked the court of King Arthur and intend to sow discord from within.
Rebellion: Avalon is a hidden betrayer / social deduction game in which each player is assigned a Role : either one of Mordred's evil servants or one of Camelot's loyalists.
This is one of my favorite hidden traitor games and I prefer the Resistance version. It works great as a larger fun game with 6 -10 players, as with many games on this list, the happier it is.
- The Resistance: Avalon is a standalone game and while The ...
- For 5 to 10 players
- Playback lasts 30 minutes
# 4. Scam: Murder in Hong Kong

The murder was the worst! There’s no surprise there, as this is actually a fairly common topic during board games with deductions.
As part of the investigation team, players in Dixit / have to reveal to a forensic scientist (who cannot speak). secret revealing style card.
But there is always a catch. The killer is part of the investigation team and is actively working to misinterpret and sabotage the investigation. The killer must be sophisticated not to give instructions to fellow investigators.
For a game that lasts just over 20 minutes, he packs a lot of goodies into one box. The play is tense, the killer gets plenty of opportunities to become adept, and the different roles add a touch of tone. Did I also mention that it probably has some of the best components on the list?
- A fast paced murder game in which one of the players ...
- Play with only 4 or as many as 12 players
- Show your sleuthing as forensics
# 5. Dracula's Feast: New Blood

Looking for a horribly good time? That was awful. I'm sorry.
I’m not sorry I added Dracula’s Feast to our top list of board games. Dracula Feast’s Feast, now re-released as Dracula’s Feast: New Blood, is a fast-paced, small deductible game in a society where players host a masquerade party hosted by none other than Big D.
The New Blood version includes better artwork and components, and if you want to get a copy, I definitely suggest the New Blood version.
- Completely unique game with deductions: no narrator, no lying, no actor ...
- 10 roles that can be played in any combination; every game is ...
- It is distinguished by a beautiful artistic poster image of all the characters
# 6. One Night Ultimate Werewolf / Ultimate Werewolf: Deluxe Edition

Werewolf is one of the board games with social deductions "I like or hate them", and it is undoubtedly one of the most popular on the market.
At the beginning of the game, each player gets a card with a role and over the years, many cards have been added to the game. Each role gets a label of good (villagers) and bad man (werewolves) and then some special ability.
The goal of the game is to find the bad guys and vote for them together. The magic happens with the conversations and interactions of the players at the table.
However, the game has one obvious flaw. Once you’ve voted, you literally don’t have to do anything until the next round. The One Night version, however, effectively removes this flaw. If early weaning players are one of your pets, you’d better check out the One Night version.
# 7. A fake artist goes to New York

This social game with social deductions originated in Japan and is a strange mix between televisions and the game of social deduction.
The question master selects a category and a word from that category in each round. Everyone gets that word except “Fake Artist”. Players take turns drawing one line on paper and then passing it on to the next player.
Fake Artist Goes to New York is a super fast and complete fun game for players who are sick of charades or other classic cocktail hour games .
- A picnic with a hidden mechanic of identity
- A smart board game for 5-10 players
- Play time: 20 minutes
# 8. Love letter

Few games in my collection have seen as much playing time as Love Letter.
A love letter is the perfect budget and travel game. That's literally 16 cards. Each player tries to get their love letter to the princess and the card in your hand represents who is currently holding your love letter.
Whoever stands last or has the highest value round at the end wins. It's fast and full of bluffs, poker faces and card counting. There is a certain number of each card, which after playing is left face up in front of everyone.
The trick of the game is that at least 1 card is always taken from the deck. Card counting may be in place, but there is always the possibility that it is one of the removed cards.
I highly recommend if you don’t have a copy, you get it somehow. Buy it or even turn it into an afternoon DIY project and create your own.
- In the package with the Again Products guarantee: authentic, real, ...
- Small packaging for easy carrying Two new character roles ...
- Brand new illustrations give the classic game a fresh, modern ...
# 9. Game of Thrones: Oathbreaker

I was pretty excited about this Game of Thrones-inspired game . Quite a few games emerged from the franchise at the height of their popularity. None of them were as evil as some of the Harry Potter Franchise , but there were definitely a few dudes in the mix.
Oathbreaker does not fall into the pacifier category. It’s a lot of fun to take on the tried and hidden mechanics of a traitor. The king is chosen and everyone else takes on the role of aristocratic houses to either sow discord as a traitor or command as loyal. The king has a little more power with the order of the king's decrees.
To further slander the roles, each player has a personal ambition that could be at odds with the king.
It’s probably one of the better themed games on the list and works very well as a board game. It’s great to play in front of such a great game as the actual board game Game of Thrones and it really puts you in the mood.
- Claim the iron throne, serve faithfully or plan to overthrow ...
- You know your true motives and you have to find your allies ...
- King offers rewards and penalties when players participate ...
# 10. Words

from Bezier Games come Werewords. Exploiting their great social gambling deductible, Werewolf. Werewords uses a similar mechanic as Avalon’s roles of Merlin and Assassin, but much simpler.
In Werewords, everyone tries to guess the secret word assigned at the beginning of the game. The only players who know what it is are the characters of the seer and the werewolf.
Players must guess this before time runs out or the werewolf wins. But everyone gets a redemption round. If players can’t guess the word in time, they can still win by guessing who the werewolf is. If they really guess, the Werewolf can still win by guessing who the Seer is.
It's fast and super easy to play.
# 11. Bang! Dice game

Bang! gives a lot of "bang" for your money.
This is a fantastic budget game that contains a punch. As usual in Western-themed games, shooters face the sheriff and his deputies this place is not big enough for both .
Bang! The dice game is a great travel game that we play in inns quite often. What’s better about board deduction games other than pint? Not much.
There are 3 factions in the game. The sheriff and his deputies, outlaws and apostates. The only player to be revealed is the sheriff and each player has their own criteria for winning. Deputies must protect the sheriff. The outlaws must kill the sheriff, and the Renegades must simply hide in the background and survive.
The actual actions that players can perform are related to dice and each player has specific abilities. It can get loud, but hey, it’s all about shooting. Be careful not to carry a knife.
- All the emotions of BANG! in a handful of dice: BANG! Cubes ...
- Five six-sided dice and nine Indian arrows; You will be brave ...
- BANG! The dice game is the perfect game for those who have little ...
# 12. Shadows over Camelot

Myth! Legend! Betrayal !
Shadows over Camelot is one of the few social games for social deductions on this list. As you might expect, the actors take on the role of the heroic knights of Camelot and must defend themselves against the minions of evil and the fearsome Black Knight.
Players can choose to send their heroes after the legendary sword, Excalibur, defend the castle or even the Black Knight duel. If Camelot falls, all is lost, and even more sinister is the enemy from within.
One of the players is a traitor and hidden among the group. Will you be able to figure out who they are before sabotaging the defense?
- A unique joint game with a malicious twist
- Great for toys
- Playing lasts 60-90 minutes
# 13. Coup: Reformation

Housed in the same world as The Resistance, Coup wants to steal some franchise thunder, but with a much smaller number of players.
Although he shares art and space with the Resistance, Coup is definitely his own game. Players have influence in government, represented by their two roles, and try to remove the influence of all others (cards). Each card confers a special ability that you can use on your turn, and there are three abilities that anyone can use, no matter which cards they have.
The best thing about a coup is that you can lie ... and you will lie a lot.
# 14. Spyfall 2

If you know Spyfall, its predecessor is basically the same thing, but bigger. Spyfall is a board game with deductions that uses a common location to eradicate a spy who doesn’t know where he is.
Each player gets a location card with enough information to narrow down the spy. Players can ask questions like "What are you wearing?" or "What's the weather like?" All that can help narrow down the location is fair play.
If you don’t own Spyfall yet, I highly recommend you check out Spyfall 2. It’s the same game, but with more location maps, more players, and the option of two spies per round.
- DON'T BLOW YOUR COVER: The hit board game is back with ...
- NEW IN THIS EXTENSION: In SPYFALL 2, players can add another spy ...
# 15. Salem 1692

Nothing like a good old-fashioned witch hunt, except here, witches are real and want you.
Salem 1692 takes a tried and true hidden traitor formula, but adds a little twist. Players must gather evidence, accuse and defend other players.
If you’re a fan of the genre, I highly recommend trying it out. The extra rules really add a lot of flair to the game. He is often described as a werewolf for people who do not like werewolves.
Curiosity: During the actual witch trials in Salem, no one was burned at the stake. 25 people lost their lives. 19 by hanging 5 died in prison and 1 poor man was stoned to death.
- HUNTING IS INCLUDED: In Salem in 1692, the witch hunt is heating up. WHO ...
- AIRCRAFT TREATMENT: Accuse your friends of witchcraft using ...
- DARK MAGIC: This original game is intended for 4-12 players and lasts ...
# 16. Escape from the aliens in space

I like this game. Its designers make it clear that this is a passionate project ... and it shows.
Escape from aliens in space is slightly different from other social games in the field of social deduction. It’s not just a long name, but it’s also a great game with boxes, pencils and paper. Normally these two don’t go together, but it works incredibly well here.
Players hold a sheet of paper with the common location of a colliding spaceship, and people try to reach the escaped pedestals. Unfortunately, the ship is infected with a space parasite that turns people into monsters.
All movement is hidden and players will have to lie and convince each other of their true location and their true motives.
- Proposed ages 13
- Playing time 30-45 minutes
- Players 2-8
# 17. Mafia

Mafia is one of the original hidden traitor / social deduction games.
It has long been overshadowed by many successors, but that doesn’t stop it from being a classic.
There is a hidden godfather among the players in the Mafia and if they are not found, they will all die.
Newer versions of the Polish classic have added new capability cards and updated components.
- The Mafia is a game of lying, bluffing and deceiving
- Players secretly get the role of mafia or civilians and ...
- Mafia Deluxe has 47 unique roles on 84 role cards, ...
# 18. Hello Hydra

For you Marvel fans out there, Hail Hydra puts you in the roles of your favorite Marvel characters to defend the city from iconic villains.
Hail Hydra changes the genre of social deductions / hidden traitors by confronting players with a common enemy. Players fight the villains of the Marvel world, while Hydra's hidden agents sabotage the fight from within.
The Hydra and Shield roles are assigned at the beginning of the game, but Hydra agents can reveal themselves at any time during the game by shouting "Hail Hydra!".
- MARVEL HERO Board Game: Play a board game that changes you ...
- DEFEAT OF SECRET AGENTS: Evil HYDRA operatives have broken into your ...
# 19. Crossfire

Crossfire, set in the same universe as Specter Ops, pits players against each other as the well-known ARK and Raxxon factions.
In the group, you will also find a Raxxon VIP mix, along with your own escort of bodyguards, among whom the ARK killers are hiding.
Each board game has its own unique spin on how to play with basic mechanics and Crossfire is one of the most interesting I’ve seen. The players take turns looking at the role and then shuffling. There is a certain rotation of cards and by the end of the round each player will see at least some cards with bets on the table. From there, they will have to determine who is the VIP to kill or protect.
It’s incredibly fast and the mixing mechanic is the best of its kind I’ve seen.
- Return to the world of spectral operations and rejoin dystopian ...
- A tense game of hidden roles for five to ten players
- Use deduction, negotiation and limited information on your ...
# 20. Masquerade

There are many themes suitable for board games with deductions, but a masquerade ball is perhaps one of the best.
Masquerade uses a mechanic similar to Coup. Players have a card with a set of cards in the middle of the table. Each individual character has their own specific action-related skills, and each player can claim to use any of them at any time. But if they get caught lying, they lose a coin. The first player to win the game with 13 coins.
Masquerade is one of those simple games that gets pulled off the shelf over and over again. Easy to learn, tons of fun and always leads to funny conversations.
This is it for our best circular games for social deductions. If your favorite didn’t make the list, don’t worry. We would love to hear from you. Please leave a comment below.
Happy playing!
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