The best board games Game of Thrones
The best board games Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones was a pretty wild ride. My best friend showed me the first episode he saved on a DVR years ago. It was late at night and we decided to throw it away before we called it night. He went to sleep and I continued my marathon all first season.
My eyes were bleeding in the morning and this damn attractive themed song stuck in my head.
I needed more.
This happened in 2012, shortly after the broadcast of Season 1, when the noise and popularity of the show was still growing. Luckily, Game of Thrones has so much to keep fans going, and a whole host of options for board game companions.
Our best selections for the best board games Game of Thrones
Are you in a hurry? Check out our favorites below.
The best miniatures
The best card game
Best overall
If you can’t wait between episodes, check out some of these board games inspired by Game of Thrones to find them. Nothing hits after a random itch like a board game ... or maybe the next book ... if it ever comes out.
# 1. Game of Thrones (Second Edition)

"War makes us monsters." - George RR Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire
Official Game of Thrones: The board game was inspired by an older game called Diplomacy . Any fan of the series will know that the war in Westeros is clearly highly diplomatic and usually violent and bloody. Alliances come and go and usually at the worst possible moment for those involved.
Throughout the game, players will secretly make political decisions and issue orders. In the next stages of the game, the commands will be executed. You were able to spend the first half of the round trying to convince the player that he was marching with you towards the enemies, only to find his fortress, which was besieged by your “allies”. This has already happened to me and will most likely happen again.
Each player controls one of the big houses and will fight for supremacy over the Iron Throne. In the game you will find all your favorite fans: Lannisters, Starks, Greyjoys, Terrells, Baratheons ... they are all here.
Game of Thrones: The board game nicely captures the essence of books and HBO shows. The players will make alliances, but they will also leave their allies on the field without defense a few half later, because it is no longer profitable to be allies. It is a brutal game with a strong mix of wars, diplomatic alliances and inevitable betrayal .
- A board game based on the novel Game of Thrones, which is now adapted ...
- 3-6 players take command of the Great Houses of Westeros
- The updated second edition includes elements of past extensions
Make sure you take some time for this. You can probably get through a few episodes in the time it takes to play one game. It is one of our favorite board games for 6 players and board war board games in general.
Second edition extensions
# 2. A song of ice and fire: a game of tabletop miniatures

“The gray sheep have closed their eyes, but the mastiff sees the truth. The old powers awoke. The shadows mix. Soon will come an age of wonder and horror, an age of gods and heroes. "- George RR Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire
CMON (cool mini or not) is known for giving great games with highly detailed Miniatures . Their version of the board war game is no exception. Song of Ice & Fire: A miniature board game is available in the form of a collector's mini-game in which players will have to buy and paint their own minis, and then be able to send an army to battle their opponent.
The minis are very cool looking and oddly, my favorites are Reek and Ramsay Bolton. CMON has done an amazing job with them and they stand super creepy next to each other. The art direction is more like a comic and deviates from the show and I think it looks great. It would be weird to build and paint a mini Alfie Allen for the table.
Those of you who know CMON games will know that they mainly make board games, and by that I mean the whole experience with some types of games. This is new territory for them. They don’t usually make board war games.
So how did they do?
You can definitely find out that designers come from board games, which isn’t a bad thing at all. Miniature war games are usually very picky with rules and very complicated. The song about ice and fire manages to make it relatively easy for any new player to enter, while adding a lot of repeatability and strategy.
- APPLY FOR THE THRONE: Enter the battlefield and take ...
- STRATEGY GAME: A Song of Ice and Fire: A Miniature Board Game ...
- BUILD YOUR ARMY, PLAN YOUR TACTICS: The game combines brutal ...
At this point, you can choose from several factions that have different leaders and special abilities. Even though the Boltons just scared me, I still love their minis.
Other starter kits
# 3. Game of Thrones: Iron Throne

“Some were heroes, some weaklings, short or longing. Most were just men - faster and stronger than most, more adept with sword and shield, yet prey of pride, ambition, lust, love, anger, jealousy, greed for gold, hunger for power, and all the other faults that afflicted the lesser. mortals. The best of them overcame their mistakes, did their duty, and died with swords in their hands. The worst ... The worst were those who played Game of Thrones. "- George RR Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire
Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne is a hidden gem in the board game community. It is basically built around a system used by the Cosmic Encounter but with a GoT-themed disguise. It’s also not as complex as the Cosmic Encounter, making it much easier to teach new players.
In Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne, everyone will play a different faction and strive to expand their influence across Westeros. Each turn, players will engage with interactions across the board. These can be hostages or contracts to negotiate. How you deal with these events is entirely up to you, but you can also influence your faction or away from it.
The Iron Throne manages to capture a lot of the political intrigue and machinations going on behind the scenes, while the Game of Thrones still makes sense.
- A social game of lies, diplomacy, battles and betrayals in ...
- It contains the basic mechanics of popular and best-selling ...
- Play as any of five great houses: Stark, Lannister, Targaryen, ...
If you’re looking for a very strategic and very fun game with an amazing themed spirit for Game of Thrones, Iron Throne delivers ... if you can keep it.
# 4. Game of Thrones: Card Game (Second Edition)

“The splendor of it all took Sansi’s breath away; shining armor, large chargers chained in silver and gold, the shouts of the crowd, the banners fluttering in the wind ... and the knights themselves, the knights above all. "- George RR Martin, Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones: The card game is an interesting game in itself. This is a live card game.
A game of live cards
For those of you who don’t know, the live card game (LCG) is similar to the collectible card game (CCG), but without much coincidence. First, a basic game is released in which all the players will have to start playing and creating their own stories is in Westeros. A new extension or kit is released each month.
Over time, you will have maps developed with the story of A Game of Thrones. Just as Arya started out as a vicious little tomboy and grew into a killer, so does the card game evolve over time. The difference between a live card game and a collector's card game is that each special extension is the same. To find your favorite maps, you won’t have to go hunting through recovery packages.
Game of Thrones has been around for a few years now and most of us had no idea what a rabbit hole it would turn into when we first introduced it. The game with GoT cards is similar in this respect. The first edition was a fun game and the artwork reflected that. Sometimes he’s kind of goofy and stupid. The second edition of the game has much better artwork and is generally a more refined product.
- DECIDE THE FATE OF WESTEROS: Across seven kingdoms and ...
- EPIC BATTLE GAME: This second edition of the beloved Living Card ...
- STRATEGY: To take the iron, you have to defeat your opponents.
So find the box that says “Daenerys of Targaryen House, first of her name, unburned, Queen of Andals, Rhoynar and First Husband, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grassy Sea, Protector of the Kingdom, Lady Regnant of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons ”on the box. This is the second edition.
Game of Thrones: Frequently asked questions about the card game
Second edition extensions

# 5. Risk: Game of Thrones

“I prefer my history to be dead. A dead history is written in ink, but it lives in blood. "- George RR Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire
Unlike other alternative themes of the Monopoly game, all risk games with a replacement theme have a kind of twist. for example Lord of the Rings : Risk has a Fellowship component and one of Star Wars Risks has a brutal Rule 66 that basically erases the board.
Risk: Game of Thrones basically only adds a more in-depth form of risk. It can be played like a traditional Risk game and has 2 boards, a larger board of normal size and a smaller board for 2 players. In the advanced version, players will compete to meet goals and capture specific parts of the board for winning points, which is very different from other risk games I’ve played.
- SEVEN ARMYS SUBMITTED FOR BATTLE: Claim your right to iron ...
Risk is one of the original board war games and one that has been around for years. I still enjoy the different versions of Risk that I played and I have a lot of nostalgia for them for investing in them since childhood. However, they are difficult to compare with modern board games. The mechanics seem ... a bit outdated.
I personally enjoy the game of risk. I also have years of fond memories with risk. As with Monopoly, if you love Risk, you’ll enjoy Risk: Game of Thrones.
# 6. Game of Thrones: Catan - Brotherhood of the Guard

"I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings dawn, the horn that awakens the thresholds, the shield that protects the kingdoms of men." - George RR Martin, Game of Thrones
What of Catan Island and the Common Game of Thrones? Sheep ...?
There aren’t many related to these themes, but luckily the game was basically revamped to add some of a touch of Game of Thrones. Instead of the entire Westeros, Game of Thrones: Catan - The Night's Watch Brotherhood focuses on the Night's Watch and the Wall.
You’ll still have your classic Catana experience, for example, if you yell across the table to have sheep for the store while all your friends look away, but a few new items are thrown in as well. Players will build infrastructure behind the wall to support the Night’s Watch, and each player will give impetus to the entire game with the heroes from the show.
- STRATEGY GAME: Night Watch Brothers recognize you ...
- BUILD AND / OR JOIN THE COMMUNITY: Whether you play as a family, ...
The game does work like a regular Catan game, but there is one big difference. Savages across the wall will attack the city and attack it. You will have to defend the wall from attack and if three savage attacks are successful, the victory belongs to the player with the most guards in the position on the wall. It’s not even nearly as satisfying, but there are a lot of unsatisfactory moments in Game of Thrones.
If you love Catan , be sure to check out our Full Review of this game and our review of all the best Catan extensions .
Versions and extensions:
- NOW 3 TO 6 PLAYERS CAN ENJOY THIS STRATEGY GAME: New heroes are rising ...
# 7. Game of Thrones: Oathbreaker

This is the latest game to come out of the Game of Thrones franchise and is perhaps one of my favorites.
The violator of the oath is a social game of deduction in the same direction as the resistance or secret Hitler.
In Oathbreaker, one actor is nominated for king / queen and the others represent the great houses of Westeros. As in all areas of the Game of Thrones, not everyone will be associated with the King. More players will be traitors to the throne who want to gain power for themselves.
At first glance, it looks like your usual deduction game in society, but an element of personal goals is added here that drastically changes the way you look at players. Throughout the context of the game, each player has their own personal goals to achieve and does not always match the goals of the field.
You may be a completely loyal servant of the crown, but one wrong step can arouse suspicion that is hard to dismiss. This is a unique new twist on one of my favorite types of board games .
# 8. Monopoly: Game of Thrones

"No creature on earth is as terrifying as a truly righteous man." - George RR Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire
Betrayal, corruption, blood feuds, violence and intrigue ... oh, what are we talking about Monopoly or Game of Thrones?
Well, now you can have both.
By combining betrayal, violence, and fighting Monopoly with Game of Thrones, you’ll get a slightly less bloody version of Monopoly.
Jokes aside, this is a Game of Thrones Monopoly. It’s not really played any differently than any other version of Monopoly, but it’s fun for Game of Thrones fans. If you like Monopoly, you will enjoy it. If you hate Monopoly, you will hate it.
There are currently two versions available. There is the Collectors Edition and a newer edition that came out in 2019. In the 2019 version there is a mini Iron Throne that plays a themed song. Just in case you need it to get stuck in your head again.
- ON THE TOPICS OF THE HIT TV SERIES HBO: Fans of Game of Thrones can ...
- TOYS FOR GREAT HOUSES GAMES: 6 Monopoly game tokens are inspired by ...
Before you fill the comment section with angry comments, take a look at my article on monopoly . I know it’s embarrassing if you’re terrible, but if you’re actually playing by the rules and expecting to be trampled on, it can actually be a lot of fun.
Other versions:
- Elegant, unique and special edition MONOPOLY game for Game of ...
- All aspects of the game are customized; including oversized ...
- The perfect gift or activity for Game of Thrones fans
Game of Thrones has been building its fandom for many years. I was lucky that it fell into my lap, and I was able to follow the explosion of popularity almost from the beginning (very hipster, I know). It’s such an interesting world created by George RR Martin, and even more ways to explore when you’re done with the books and the show. It’s such a fantastic mix of interesting characters, political intrigue and brutality.
Playing some GoT-inspired board games is a great way to kill some time before the release of the next episode this past season. I used to play old seasons in the background with a few friends during the game season.
Hopefully this list will help you draw on Game of Thrones. Probably the only thing better than the Game of Thrones round: the board game finally reads book 6 ...
If you have another GoT board game that you know isn’t on our list, or you just want to talk about board games or Game of Thrones, leave a comment below.
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