An overview of tiny epic galaxies
An overview of tiny epic galaxies
Tiny and epic? I do not know…
I'm kidding, actually. Tiny Epic Galaxies brings all the complexity and fun of a big box space opera and puts it all together in a package smaller than a Munchkin box . This is very impressive. Immerse yourself in our review of Tiny Epic Galaxies without delay!
- Tiny Epic Galaxies is a fun strategy game of space exploration ...
- Award-winning standalone game of 2015 by BoardGameGeek Play ...
- Tiny Epic Series is one of the best small board games ...
A brief overview of tiny epic galaxies

Tiny Epic Galaxies is a gambling - area control - space - exploratory board game . Players compete for winning points by upgrading their civilization and spreading their influence across the galaxy.
They’ve compared it to space themes Yeah, but I honestly don’t think the comparison is fair. With Yahtzee, anyone with a few dice can start throwing and playing. Compared to them, tiny epic galaxies are ... epic. It’s a weird bastardization of 4x games, Yahtzee and the old school Alpha Centauri, and at the same time, it’s none of that.
Variations and extensions

Mini-extension satellites and super weapons
There is a mini extension for Galaxies called Satellites and Super Weapons that adds a print to your gameplay mechanic and gives players super weapons that give them some impressive abilities. Super weapons can also be destroyed for winning points. Every good franchise needs a lunar laser, right?
Tiny epic galaxies: beyond black
Beyond the Black is an extension for Tiny Epic Galaxies that adds new planets, new ships, specialized pilots for your new (upgraded) ships, and a happiness mechanic who explores outer space. In deep space, players may encounter dwarf planets that offer victory points, new and rare resources, or perhaps cosmic threats such as solar storms, black holes, and even supernovae. In this extension, players will be rewarded for exploratory strength by exploring badges that offer additional winning points at the end of the game.
- Tiny Epic Galaxies: Beyond Black is a fun strategic space ...
- Beyond The Black is an extension to the award-winning tiny epic ...
- The small epic series is one of the best small board games ...
Unpacking tiny epic galaxies

In terms of design, Tiny Epic achieves some amazing feats. He managed to present a game with small boxes that gives the experience of a big box.
I am extremely excited about what they have managed to put together here.
Companies very often place a game that does not require much space in a much larger box with cardboard inserts so that it can be present on store shelves. It's a marketing thing.
Bigger box = more eyes on your game.
I can't blame companies for that. After all, they are a business and if they weren’t receptive to the marketing technique, then they wouldn’t be doing it.
Tiny Epic breaks the mold here. They strived for the greatest gaming experience in the smallest possible package. This also includes gaming and physical aspects.
Efficient use of space
The Tiny Epic components are in a small package, but there really isn’t any space wasted here. I bought great boxing games with less in the box than.
The primary board / play area for Tiny Epic will take place on the carpets of the galaxy. Every rug is well made and I really enjoy all the artwork of all the components.
All the extra components are pretty ordinary wooden chips and the custom cubes don’t look like they’re going to collapse any time soon.
Overall, Tiny Epic is a quality game with quality components.
How to play tiny epic galaxies

Step 1: Fold the cubes.
Step 2: Assign dice.
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit.
Tiny Epic Galaxies has 7 custom six-sided cubes.
Each matrix has a symbol that corresponds to a different action that can be performed, and you must lock it in the control pad before performing the action. It just helps keep track of everything.
The six measures that can be taken are:
- Move the ship
- Energy
- Culture
- Diplomacy
- economy
- Use the colony
As you upgrade the colony, you will gain access to more and more ships. Ships are used to visit other planets and expand your influence. They can move in 1 of 2 ways.
Each player starts with two ships. As the colony is upgraded, this number will gradually grow to a maximum of 2 ships.
If a player manages to upgrade the middle turn and receives an extra boat, that boat is 100% in use and can be used immediately if he has dice to use.
Land directly on the planet to take advantage of its ability or orbit the planet. When a ship orbits a planet, you will have to spend money instead to move the ship in an orbital path. The first ship to reach the end of the route controls it and adds this planet to its side of the table. They will only gain the ability of the planet and a handful of winning points. Of course, the harder it is to gain control of the planet, the greater the rewards.
Be careful. There can be any number of players orbiting the same planet, but only the first person to reach the end of the track gets the planet. Everyone else was just wasting their time and money.
Remember those planetary abilities?
Some of them may be straight mean . There are several planetary abilities that allow players to “regress” other ships. When a ship is affected by the possibility of regression, it will move back in orbit. It’s especially devastating when your ship is pushed back just before you take control of the planet and have it hijacked.
Guide, follow, or retreat.
The next valid strategy turned out to be. Tiny Epic has a built-in mechanic that can drastically influence your decision making. All players can follow any action cube locked with a spending culture.
"It's ironic that the more we try and follow each other, the less culture we have." —Mayim Bialik on the desktop Season 4
Whenever a player locks the dice, any other player can spend the cultural points to “follow” them. Players will essentially remove the current player to perform bonus actions at the expense of culture. It’s incredibly powerful.
For players to be truly successful, they need to pay attention to the whole board at all times. Sometimes you will only lock the matrix to find that you have inadvertently given your opponent the advantage needed to score points.
Energy and culture
There are two main sources in the world of Tiny Epic. To expand your empire and reach the extreme end of the galaxy, you will need to manage energy and culture carefully.
You can get both resources with the appropriate dice, but there are also planetary abilities that can help you increase your reserves. Try stocks: this is the main currency used in the game.
Culture and energy can be used to accelerate influence with the planets or to perform additional actions through “tracking mechanics” (I’ll talk about that later).
Once the culture container is loaded, the amount of culture received depends on the number of ships you are researching. Each planet has a different symbol and if you have ships circling or landing on the planet, you will receive 1 culture for each ship on the cultural planet.
The same thing happens with energy, but you will also receive extra energy for each planet you have colonized.
Colony level
The Galaxy Board represents your empire. Part of this board contains information about your colony.
The colony level determines the number of dice available in each turn, the number of ships available, and how many victory points the entire colony is worth.
Colony upgrade
Each level of the colony requires an increasing number of resources to upgrade, which is equal to the current level of the colony. Players can upgrade using energy or culture. To upgrade from level 3 to 4, players will need to expend 4 cultures or 4 energies. It cannot be divided among resources. It must be the same source.
Colonization of the planet
Each planet creates a different source, marked by a symbol on the planet. To use these resources, players will need to visit these planets and eventually take control of the planet to score winning points.
Each planet has a certain number of winning points that are awarded when the player colonizes them completely.
To colonize the planet, players will have to send a spaceship into its orbit.
Cube conversion and repetition
Every time I present games, he is an inevitable player who complains about the randomness of the dice. Usually, these are the ones who forgot to sacrifice to the gods of dice or buried the D20 at an abandoned intersection to call and make arrangements with the devil’s dice (it works). Tiny Epic alleviates this problem for those players who have been cursed by our polyhedral superiors in two ways.
The first are repetitions. At the beginning of each turn, players get 1 free replay. They are allowed to spin any number of dice that are not locked. Players can then energetically pay for extra reps.
Another mitigating factor for dice is the conversion mechanism. Players can sacrifice 2 dice (you get the dice back in the next turn) to change the third dice to whichever side you want.
Even the most demanding pagans can still find success in the Tiny Epic Galaxy.
Hidden goals
At the beginning of the game, each player will receive 2 Secret Mission cards. Players must choose one and discard the other. Make sure you hide this mission (and in mind). Secret missions will only come into play during the scoring of the final game. You will need to keep your mission in mind throughout the game. Some targets are triggered only if the ships are in certain locations, etc.
Moving a few points can be the difference between winning and losing.
Final criteria
21 is the magic number here. It is divided into 3 and 7, two different primes. This is the number chosen as the legal drinking age in the U.S. and the winning number in Blackjack. That's a good number. I'm not superstitious at all.
The final game is triggered when the player scores 21 points. This does not mean that you are magically defeated by game 21. When a player hits 21, the final game is triggered. The players will continue in the regular order until the end of the round. This gives players a chance to try to score as many points as possible.
If you’ve already turned in a circle when the final game starts, you won’t get another turn, so pay attention to the value of the points as you get closer to the end.
Then everyone can compare their secret missions and sum up the end result.
Standalone game
Tiny Epic has a built-in standalone mode and is one of the better examples of standalone play available. It’s challenging without being able to beat it or have the perfect breeze.
You will play against the Rogue Galaxy instead of the other player. Their mission is to eradicate all life in space. So you can imagine them thematically as Borge or even Mowers (I prefer the Mass Effect setting in my head).
All the player's actions will be exactly the same. You can even use the following mechanics on the Rogue Galaxies bend.
The Rogue Galaxy starts with zero culture and energy, but starts with 4 ships. In the Rogue Galaxy series, you will place the dice one by one and perform each action separately. If a roll is made that cannot be used, the matrix is discarded. You can also spend 1 culture and 1 energy to force AI to spin one of its dice.
There are some minor changes to the rules to take AI into account.
As the reel moves, one of the Rogue Galaxy ships is placed in orbit to the far left planet.
As diplomacy and the economy develop, all the Galaxy Rogue Ships orbiting these planets will ascend the lane for 1.
Energy and culture are produced by the home planet Rogue Galaxy. Each time one of the cubes is locked, move the trail of culture or energy up.
- If the energy is maximum, upgrade the Empire and reset it back to 0.
- If culture is greatest, the Rogue Galaxy will get an extra twist with some restrictions.
Finally, if the colony dies, the Rogue Galaxy will attack yours. The liner will have a list of different attacks based on the Empire level.
Independent end of the game
The first player will win with 21 points, but if the Rogue Galaxy upgrades its empire to a skull symbol on its carpet, the game is over immediately.
Your first game of tiny epic galaxies

Tiny Epic Galaxies is not the hardest game you could figure out. They do their best to make everything simple and easy to read.
For starters, everyone gets a Galaxy Mat and Control Mat becomes an easily accessible place that everyone can reach.
Galaxy Mats make it easy to identify all the components and symbols.
It contains statistics of your empire, tracks resources and how many winning points are worth your empire. Players will also need their own color-coded pieces; 4 ships and 3 tokens.
They all start with 1 culture, 2 energy and 2 ships.
Shuffle the deck of the planet and draw 2 cards more than the number of players (i.e., a two-player game = 2 planets). The only exception is the Five Player Game where there are a total of 6 cards.
Offer 2 secret missions to everyone, and each player chooses one.
Boom! You are ready to start colonizing the galaxy and expand your influence to infinity and beyond.
It's easy to pick up. Play around with strategies a bit. I can't help you there because I always lose.
Advantages and disadvantages of tiny epic galaxies

- Big Box feeling in a small package
- Great work of art
- Several thematic versions
- Great standalone game
- Excellent repeat value
What about repetition?
Many recurrence values are available in two forms. There are 2 planets on board. Each will have a different point value, acquisition cost and ability. You won’t see them in any play, and the random combinations that come up will drastically affect the in-game experience. If there is a tremendous ability to "regress ship", it will be a brutal knockdown fight. In the end, they could also be the only ones with direct attack capabilities and could duplicate this strategy. I could go on and on about the strategies involved (I’ll spare you) and I think that’s proof of the game itself.
I’ve rarely seen a game with small boxes that could incorporate strategy and value like Tiny Epic.
- Paralysis analysis
Analysis of paralysis in a small game?
It all depends. I have not personally experienced this. Maybe I just need to be more aware of my actions, but I’ve read a few other reviews and talked to a few others that the tracking mechanic has basically taken over. As I mentioned, he is quite powerful. Min / max players (you know who you are) will try to make the most of it. He can push the boundaries of the game and quickly become amazing when trying to calculate all possible or potential values, especially when it comes to dice.
As I said, this is not an issue for me, but I still think it is worth mentioning.
Overview of tiny epic galaxies (TL; DR)
Big things are in small packages.
Tiny Epic has a lot of strategies and fans, literally packed in a small box.
The designers have tackled it minimalistically, but all the mechanics and components are so well made that it really looks like an epic strategy game.
Everything in the game is small.
The world of the tiny epic
About Franchise Tiny Epic is far from small. No matter what topic you are dealing with, there is a high probability that it is waiting for you to discover it.
A tiny epic search
If you’re interested in a more imaginative vibe, there’s a Tiny Epic Search . Guide your fairy adventurers into battle with evil mushrooms and dwarves.
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- Spend time away from the screen to develop cognitive skills and ...
- The small epic series is one of the best small board games ...
Tiny epic zombies
Do I need some zombies in your life? No surprise, there is a zombie version.
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A small epic western
Are you just running the WestWorld Marathon and can’t get enough of Western themes? Tiny Epic Western will scratch.
- Tiny epic western is a small strategy game set in the wild ...
- Spend time away from the screen to develop cognitive skills and ...
- The small epic series is one of the best small board games ...
Tiny Epic Kingdoms and Advocates
Do you need more fantasy ? Other versions of Tiny Epic Kingdoms and Tiny Epic Defenders have already been covered.
Conclusion: a verdict?
One of the first things boardgamers realize when they find themselves in a hobby is the space that board games actually occupy. When I was growing up, there was always a random space in the laundry closet with a handful of board games that took place on rainy days or on special occasions.
There is so much variety and complexity in board games today that you can easily get addicted to collecting. Players are always looking for another game that will relive the excitement of the new game. I don’t know about the others, but I quickly found my laundry closet, which turned into a play closet that spilled over into one of those Ikea shelves.
Why the hell am I blabbering on about storage solutions?
Since there have been many times when I took a big game with boxes and opened it once, about 80% of the boxes are cardboard filler.
I’m one of those freaks who really deals with storing boxes and part of the fun in the game is the aesthetics of the boxes and components. Extremely refreshing is looking at the company’s focus instead of throwing everything in a big box for the presence of a shelf.
Marketing strategies aside, Tiny Epic Galaxies could very well fit into a big box and be filled with random components and big spaceships. The thing is, you don’t have to. Tiny Epic brings its ability to display a huge gaming experience in a small box.
final Verdict
In the end, I don’t always have the time or group of players to single out one of my favorite big games of chance. Every game in the Tiny Epic series is perfect for a quick game or even for a game on the go. Tiny Epic Galaxies also has a double duty to be one of the best standalone games on the market today.
It’s small, fun, and won’t break the bank. This is a serious trifect that is hard to beat.
- Tiny Epic Galaxies is a fun strategy game of space exploration ...
- Award-winning standalone game of 2015 by BoardGameGeek Play ...
- Tiny Epic Series is one of the best small board games ...
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