Agricola Review (Revised Edition)
Agricola Review (Revised Edition)
The agricultural landscape of 17th-century Europe looked quite different than it does today. Subtitle of the game »17. century: It's not an easy time to farm ”is very appropriate, as ordinary people have struggled to get back on their feet after centuries of fighting plague and other natural disasters.
Starting with a family of two poor farmers, players will need to expand their families to achieve greater wealth. However, maintaining well-nourished family members is a challenge in itself, so you’ll need to balance growth and health on the road to victory! Read our full review of Agricola (revised edition) below.
- STRATEGY PURPOSE GAME: Agricola is a classic game where players ...
- UPGRADE AND EXTENSION: Start with a peasant couple living in ...
- GAIN WEALTH: Points are awarded for the number of fields, ...
Agricole Summary (Revised Edition)

The original Agricola was released in 2007 and immediately experienced a huge surge in popularity. This did not surprise anyone, as Uwe Rosenberg was in charge of designing the game.
Nine years later, in 2016, Agricola (revised edition) was released as an update to the original game, featuring changed rules and mechanics and pieces of wood panels. To avoid duplication, I will henceforth label Agricola (revised edition) simply as Agricola.
Agricola is a 1 to 4 player installation worker , a resource management game, a genre popularly called the Euro game. This is a rather complex game suitable for over 12s. Playing time is increased by 30 minutes for each player, so a four-player game will last at least 2 hours.
Agricola, as one of the best examples of board games with the euro, will be interesting for those who like a demanding game among workers. If you’re just getting down to the genre, I wouldn’t recommend it as an introductory game, but instead I advise you to check out our reviews Viticulture: Essential Edition and Watercourse Masters .
Variations and extensions
Agricola: expansion for 5 and 6 players
When you have more than four players ready to play Agricolo, it’s time to get that extension! It includes the necessary player pieces, farm yard boards, tiles and markers with four Scottish-themed promotional cards to mix things up. Note that each additional player extends the playing time by at least 30 minutes.
- For 2-6 players
- 30 minutes of play per player
- Expansion to Agricolo
Agricola: Farmers from the Moors
The 2018 extension, called Farmers of the Moor, brings more improvements and new features to the base game. Horses are presented as a new farm animal, and heat is a new resource you will need to manage as your farmers may now get sick from the cold. To obtain firewood, you will need to cut down forests or harvest peat.
Farmers of the Moor can be played with both the basic game and the 5 & 6 player extensions game.
- COOPERATIVE Mystery Game: In this quick dice game ...
- SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES: This extension introduces fifty new maps in ...
Agricola: Corbarius Deck
The Corbarius deck, otherwise known as the C-deck, adds 60 new minor improvements and 60 new professions to the game. These cards can be freely combined with the standard Agricola kit or used on their own to gain a completely different experience.
- STRATEGY PURPOSE GAME: Agricola is a classic game where players ...
- NEW TICKETS: The expansion kit contains 120 cards for Agricola with 60 ...
Digital version on Steam
Agricola (revised edition) even has a digital version on Steam ! Click here to check it out.
Agricole Unpacking (Revised Edition)

The game includes the following components:
- 46 wooden pieces of animals
- 84 Wooden building pieces
- 40 tokens for wood crops
- Wooden sets of 15 fences, 4 barns and 5 people for each player
- 1 player initial token
- 4 boards for farms
- 1 large game board
- 1 supply board and 2 game board extensions
- 42 sources and 10 tiles for goods
- 44 Food labels
- 3 Proposal codes
- Cards 120
- 1 Scoreboard, rules and appendix
- 10 transparent sorting bags
The more board games I play, the more I learn to appreciate wooden components. Plastic has more potential, but most game developers rarely use it to the point of surpassing wooden pieces in detail.
Agricola contains 267 pieces made of wood, shaped into cows, sheep, wood, fences and 9 other shapes, painted in bright colors. The weight of the wood and the texture are just right, so you don’t have to worry about these pieces being easily damaged or broken.
The cards contain simple illustrations, clear text and bright colors that attract attention and make it easier to monitor the effects. The boards are wrapped in a thick pile of cardboard and are very well made, as expected from the Uwe Rosenberg game.
I found it interesting that there are not only a bunch of bulging pieces, but also larger components of the board that can be separated and re-attached later for easier storage. The rules are nicely arranged, and the 12-page appendix is full of information.
In addition to occasionally replacing wild boar and stone pieces for the same color, I had no problems with the components. The artistic style is on the simpler side, but it grabs your attention and is consistent throughout the game.
How to play Agricola (revised edition)

Agricola is a classic worker management game that takes place in 14 rounds. Players can put one worker on the turn until they all exhaust their farmers.
The number of places on the board is limited, so you will have to prioritize your actions or the risk will be blocked. The following sections will take you through the basics of the game and give you a better idea of what to expect.
Game setup
Players must take all pieces of people, barns and fences of the same color to serve as their stock. Each gets one backyard board and puts one farmer from the offer in each room.
The first player is randomly selected and gets two food chips and everyone else receives three. Shuffle the smaller (orange) deck for improvements and deal 7 cards to each player. The rest of the setup involves setting up the game board according to the number of players and placing the tiles, decks, and components in predetermined locations.
Round breakdown
The circuits are divided into four phases, each with its own set of mechanics.
- Preparatory phase: A new action space enters the game and uncollected resources accumulate.
- Work Phase: Players perform one action per move until all workers are exhausted.
- Returning phase: Players take their workers and place them in their places on the farm yard board.
- Harvest phase: Crops are harvested, workers are fed and animals are raised.
End of the game
The 14th round harvest phase marks the end of the game. Points are scored according to the amount of grain, vegetables, farm Animals , and the number of pastures you collected during the game.
The player with the most points is declared the winner, with construction funds used to tie the tie.
Additional mechanics
You might think that Agricola is a simple game that revolves around hiring workers and gathering resources. But much more is happening:
- Construction of houses.
- Family planning.
- Animals for breeding.
- Growing crops.
- Harvest.
- Major improvements.
- Hand cards.
Razbijal sem si možgane, da bi našel način, da bi to mehaniko razložil z nekaj sto besedami, a tega ni mogoče. Igri dodajo veliko globine, vendar jih je težko naučiti in še težje razložiti. Pravilnik ne pomaga veliko in bo glavna tema razprave o prednostih in slabostih.
Vaša prva igra Agricola (prenovljena izdaja)
Eurogames imajo običajno visoko vstopno oviro, veliko pravil in mehanik, ki si jih je treba zapomniti. Vendar, takoj ko boste to ugotovili, bodo te igre postale zelo prijetna izkušnja. Agricola je eden najboljših primerov tega pojava, zato tudi če se počutite preobremenjeni in odvrnjeni od igranja, se tega držite in ne bo vam žal!
Kot rečeno, se je igre najlažje naučiti z nekom, ki jo zna igrati za mizo. Če ste vi oseba, ki kupuje igro, predlagam, da igrate nekaj samostojne igre in se naučite mehanike v svojem tempu. Potem lahko pripeljete druge začetniki in jim pomagaj pri učenju pravil.
Kar se tiče dejanskih nasvetov za igranje iger, vam lahko ponudim nekaj univerzalno dobrih strategije. Zgodnja igra je namenjena pridobivanju dodatnih kmetov. V igri, ki vsakogar omejuje na dve akciji v krogu, vas bo tretji ali četrti kmet izstopil prej kot kdorkoli drug, da boste v prednosti.
Če ste pripravili dobro strategijo, ki temelji na nekaj manjkajočih komponentah, ali se zavedate, da se v naslednjem krogu obeta priložnost, ne bojte se ugrabiti žetona prvega igralca. To je še posebej pomembno v zadnjih treh krogih, ko so na voljo najmočnejše akcije.
Bodite pripravljeni na to, da vam bo želeno dejanje velikokrat zasedeno pred vašimi očmi med igro, zato vedno naredite načrt B ali celo načrt C, če se to zgodi. Prav tako boste po naključju in včasih namerno preprečili drugim igralcem uporabo določenega dejanja.
Prednosti, slabosti
- Zelo ponovljivo
- Odlične igralne komponente
Pohvaliti igro za njeno ponovno igranje se morda zdi splošno, vendar se je Uwe res potrudil, da bi Agricola vsakič naredila zabavno in drugačno izkušnjo.
Obstaja veliko poti, ki jih lahko uberete in običajno jih usmerjajo vaše začetne karte, okoliščine in dejanja drugih igralcev. To je igra nenehnega prilagajanja in ustvarjanja več 'kaj če?' scenariji. To se morda sliši presenetljivo, vendar bo prišlo samo po sebi, ko se boste naučili pravil in strategij.
Sestavine Agricole so nekatere izmed mojih najljubših med družabnimi igrami. Kup lesenih kosov, trdega kartona in kart, ki se lepo počutijo v roki. Škatla je za svoje dimenzije presenetljivo težka, kar je vedno dobro!
- Analiza-paraliza
- Razlaga pravila
Agricola ni igra za vsakogar, dejstvo, ki ga je mogoče najbolje prikazati z analizo-paralizo. Nekateri igralci niso sposobni sproti sprejemati odločitev ali ustvarjati alternativnih strategij.
Ko oseba, ki igra pred njimi, zasede želeno dejanje, boste ostali z minuto dolgo zatišje, ko bodo poskušali najti alternativno rešitev. To lahko zlahka spremeni 2-urno igro v 3+ ure dolgo izkušnjo, ki ni niti približno tako prijetna.
Mogoče sem samo jaz, a iz pravilnika nisem mogel razbrati skoraj ničesar in sem si moral ogledati vadnico YouTube, preden je bilo smiselno. Ko jedro igranja zavzame samo eno stran, nato pa mu sledi šest strani različnih, večplastnih mehanik, res težko sledim.
Agricola Review (TL; DR)
Agricola (prenovljena izdaja) je izboljšana različica originalne igre in ponuja razburljivo in zahtevno izkušnjo z evro igrami. Morda boste potrebovali nekaj časa, da se naučite vseh pravil in mehanike, a ko jih boste ugotovili, boste lahko v Agricoli uživali v največji možni meri v več desetih sejah!
Druge različice Agricole za poskus
Zaključek: razsodba?
Ko igraš toliko Eurogames kot jaz, se vse skupaj začne naenkrat združiti. Vidiš elemente ene igre v drugi in se res razvajaš zaradi izbire. Zaradi tega so moja osebna mnenja morda zamegljena, vendar se bom poskušal postaviti v kožo povprečnega igralca družabnih iger.
Agricola ni igra, ki bi jo priporočal kot prvo Eurogame. Je preveč zapleteno, seje zlahka presežejo 2-urno mejo, proti drugi polovici igre pa se lahko začetniki začnejo počutiti izčrpane.
Ko preigrate nekaj lažjih naslovov (več dobrih možnosti najdete v našem Najboljše evropske igre članek), potem boste pripravljeni na Agricolo. Sama igra ni tako zapletena, vendar je veliko odvisno od tega, kako enostavno se lahko naučite določenih vrst iger.
Kljub temu, da je bila bolj zapletena igra, sem jo lažje ugotovil Praznik za Odina, kot sem naredil Agricola.
Morda mislite, da mi Agricola res ni bila všeč, a temu res ni tako. Čeprav nisem imel priložnosti, da bi se zares poglobil v igro in raziskal več taktik, so bile seje, ki sem jih imel, prijetne tako za družbo kot mene.
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Upamo, da ste uživali v našem pregledu Agricola! Ste preizkusili revidirano izdajo? Spustite komentar spodaj in nam sporočite svoje misli o tej težki Eurogame (ali katerem koli drugem evru, v katerem boste morda uživali)!
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